Plasma fibroblast
Fibroblast plazmowy

About the treatment
Plasma Fibroblast is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment which offers an alternative to invasive surgical procedures. Fibroblast delivers results which rival surgical procedures, but with minimal downtime and without having to go under the knife! An innovative development in aesthetic treatments using the fourth state of matter- Plasma.
Treatment is delivered using an electronic hand-piece, (the plasma pen) : the device uses a small metal probe to ionize atmospheric gas, producing a tiny plasma flash between the device tip and the patient’s skin. This minute superficial trauma causes the skin in its vicinity to tighten and lift, giving results that are noticeable immediately after only one treatment.
The elasticity of the skin and skin tightening will continue to improve as the skin heals and repairs. More than just the tightening effect, excess skin is removed so the results will last as long as with a surgical procedure.
Treating everything from fine lines and scarring, to skin tags and smoker’s lines, crow’s feet and droopy eyelids.
A completely safe procedure, suitable for all ages and most skin tones, an ideal treatment for anyone who wants to achieve a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion with results which are incredibly natural!
Time of treatment: 30-60 minutes
Series: 1 time every 2-5 years
Area: eyelid, face,
all body, scar
Plasma fibroblast
Removal of loose excess skin without damaging the basement membrane or muscles. Plasma provides excellent results that would normally be expected from surgery, however, plasma provides this effect without a scalpel or stitching. The treatment can be performed on any area of the face or body where there is so-called "loose skin".
*A consultation visit is required before each Plasma treatment.
Upper Eye Lift
(Hooded Eye Blepharoplasty )
£ 240
Lower Eyes
(Eyebag Blepharoplasty)
£ 240
Upper Eye Lift & Lower Eyes
(Hooded Eye Blepharoplasty + Eyebag Blepharoplasty)
£ 400
Crow’s feet
(Crow’s feet)
£ 240
Crow’s feet
(as an addition to the upper or lower eyelid)
£ 50
Lwia zmarszczka
Frown Line (Glabellar)
£ 198
Lip lines
(Lip lines)
£ 300
Lip lines + nosalabial folds
(Lip lines + nasolabial folds)
£ 350
Chest/décolletage issues
(Chest/décolletage issues)
£ 340
Acne scars
Acne scars
£ 180
Stretch marks
(Stretch marks)
£ 220
Skin tags removal
(Up to 15 tags removed in a session)
£ 175
Full Face Lift & Body Lift - 10 Areas
(Full Face & Body Lift - 10 Areas)
£ 1995

There are many reasons why Aestheticians and Cosmeticians around the globe are raving about Plasma Pen Fibroblast Therapy!
Let’s delve into the multifaceted benefits that make this treatment a standout choice:
1. Is non-invasive:
The treatment is non-invasive, involving no incisions or cuts to the skin. This characteristic not only makes the procedure less painful compared to other aesthetic treatments but also allows clients to resume their daily activities immediately after the session. It’s a quick and convenient lunchtime pick-me-up!
2. Provide immediate and long-lasting results:
Post-treatment, the skin experiences an immediate tightening effect. However, the real magic happens during the third phase of healing, marked by collagen growth. Clients can expect to see the final results after 8-12 weeks.
Most clients will need two sessions for the best results, but that depends on the individual Aesthetician consultation and opinion.
3. Can be safely administration across face and body:
The versatility of the Plasma Pen device is a notable advantage. The Plasma Pen device and treatment has gained much popularity as it can safely treat all face and body areas, including the eyes, neck, and mouth, which are more commonly hard to treat due to sensitivity.
4. Address a variety of skin concerns:
Plasma Pen Therapy proves effective in addressing following skin concerns and more:
- Sagging eyelids and eye bags
- Crow’s feet
- Chest/décolletage issues
- Lip lines
- Jowls
- Stretch marks
- Skin tags removal
- Acne scars
The versatility of Plasma Pen Therapy makes it a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking targeted improvements in various aspects of their skin.

You can resume your normal work immediately but this does not mean there is no downtime. The tiny plasma flash causes ‘crusts’ to form on the skin giving the distinctive dotting effect. You can also experience significant swelling in the area treated, particularly in the eye area. The swelling will diminish over a 2-5 day period and the crust (brown dots) that occur are gone on average between 7-10 days.
These are cosmetic issues only, technically there is no real downtime if these visual effects are of no concern to you.
Plasma Skin Tightening has been shown to be a safe procedure in thousands of patients due to its non-invasive nature.
However, as with most cosmetic procedures, patients are likely to experience some minor side effects in the first 5 to 10 days after treatment.
The entire treatment area will have small but visible brown dotted marks, which will begin to shed naturally over the course of 5-10 days. Some patients will also experience 3 to 5 days of swelling, especially with eyelid treatments. To avoid any more serious side effects such as hyper-pigmentation, follow the aftercare instruction given to you prior to your treatment.
Overall, the treatment is low in complications, and virtually painless thanks to the pre-treatment numbing cream.
The most important preparation you may want to consider is your time during the first week following your treatment. Give careful thought before scheduling your appointment. Ensure you have no important meetings to attend, special occasions or school runs etc. You may wish to arrange your appointment during annual leave, especially if your job requires you to look presentable eg: teachers/public facing roles. This is important as it is likely that you will prefer to stay at home until all of the brown crusts and swelling has subsided and you look more like yourself. However this may not be an issue to you if the visual effects of the treatment are of no concern.
Please attend your appointment with clean skin no moisturiser, makeup/tanning products on the treatment area, esp no mascara on lashes if the eye area is being treated.
You may wish to wash your hair on the morning of your treatment as the treatment area cannot get wet for the full week following the procedure.
If you are having an upper and lower eye-lift treatment on the same day, it is advisable to make arrangements not to drive yourself.

- Sagging eyelids and eye bags
- Crow’s feet
- Chest/décolletage issues
- Lip lines
- Jowls
- Stretch marks
- Skin tags removal
- Acne scars
Unfortunately not all treatments are for everyone. Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.
Clients should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no preexisting health conditions. If the client displays signs of cold or flu the treatment should be rescheduled.
Clients skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.
Clients prone to keloid scars are not ideal candidates.
Clients with diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues should not undergo treatment.
Clients with a sunburn/sun tan should postpone treatment.
Clients who have a history of Hyperpigmentation are not ideal candidates.
Clients must not display any tanning at the time of the treatment.
Clients must not display Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters). You will need to reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing an outbreak. If you have experienced Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters) in the past you must see your Medical Doctor and obtain a prescription for Valtrex and begin taking it 3 days before treatment and for 4 days following treatment. (This applies for treatments surrounding the lip area only)
Not for clients with pace makers.
Not for clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Clients with Eyelash extensions receiving upper or lower eyelid treatment must have lashes removed prior to treatment and reapplied after 8 weeks.
This treatment is only recommended on light-medium skin tones .
Anyone with a darker complexions is at risk for Hyperpigmentation.
Thank you for choosing your Plasma Blast Treatment. To achieve maximum results, it’s essential to follow this aftercare advice. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions.
• You are likely to experience some short-term side effects during the initial skin healing process, which is typically the first 7 days after treatment.
• It takes 8-12 weeks for the full effect of your treatment to be seen. Additional treatments in the same area, if required, may only be done after the 12-week period.
• You may continue with your normal daily activities as normal, but you may not look your absolute best during the initial healing process (usually 3 to 7 days, depending on the areas treated and your skin’s healing abilities).
• Swelling and inflammation for 1 – 5 days post-treatment is normal and to be expected. You may also experience a stinging sensation in the treated area. This is normal and fades within 24 hours.
• Skin may feel tight and dry with possible itching of the treated area.
• Crusts quickly form on the area and are visible for up to a week. When the crusts have fallen off, your skin may be a little pink as it is fresh, new baby skin.
• Weeping occurs occasionally and quickly settles.
• DO NOT pick the crusts off as it will delay the healing process or could scar
• Clean the area daily with lukewarm water and soft, lint-free cloth daily to remove excess oil. Pat dry only and avoid rubbing the treated area.
• Avoid a hot shower on your face, as well as shower gels or hair products, for the first 3-4 days.
• Keep the crusts moist by applying small amounts of the Silver Colloidal Gel with Aloe Vera up to 3 times a day, until the carbon crusts have fallen off. Apply very small amounts only. The gel dries on your face and acts to protect the skin and provide relief from possible itching, as well as helps to speed up healing.
• Keep the treated area oil-free.
• Only wear make-up on the area, once the crusts have fallen off. A small amount of the provided Tinted SPF 50 Healing Balm can be used as camouflage. The balm is not suitable for oily skin.
• Do not cover the area with a dressing or plaster
• Avoid creams other than those provided.
• Ice packs covered in a clean cloth may be applied to reduce swelling or use a Cold Eye Mask.
• For facial treatments, sleeping on your back with your head in an elevated position also reduces swelling
• Taking a high dose of Vitamin C supplements can boost your immune system over the course of the healing process.
• For the next 12 weeks and ideally longer, it’s crucial to apply SPF50 when you are outside to prevent the new skin from burning. Be particularly vigilant if you are in the midday sun.
Avoid the following in the treated area:
• Exfoliating products or products containing glycolic acid for 12 weeks
• Other skin-care treatments until the area is healed
• Shaving until the area is fully healed
• Contact lenses for 72 hours if the eyes were treated
• Smoking & alcohol
• No saunas or sunbeds during the 12-week healing process
• No strenuous exercise, sweating or extreme heat for 24 hours
Who is performing the treatment?
The procedure is performed by a suitably qualified person.
Is the procedure painful?
The procedure is almost painless and performed
under local anesthesia. During the procedure
The patient feels only slight punctures.
How long does convalescence take?
The treatment does require a recovery period,
after i7 days, the patient may return
for everyday activities.