Wrinkle reduction & face modeling filler
About the treatment
Filler has an elastic and crystalline form of a gel that refills the places where there are wrinkles or furrows or where there is no volume.
Wrinkle reduction and face modelling with hyaluronic acid is used to:
- Wrinkles:
Marionette Lines
Tear trough
Smokers line
Wrinkles nose to mouth
Lion’s wrinkle
Crows feet
Nasolabial lines
- Face modelling
- Correcting the oval of the face
- Cheeks volumizing
- Cheek contouring
- Chin augmentation
- Jaw Line
- Lip Filler & Enhancements
The use or filler, in other words, injecting the face with a filler brings a very quick improvement in appearance.
The skin becomes:
- nourished
- deeply moisturised
- obtains lost elasticity and smoothness
Immediately after the treatment with filler, most furrows and flabbiness disappears and the effects last for months.
The duration of the effects depends on many factors such as:
- age and condition of the skin
- lifestyle
- general health of the patient
- the place of application of the product
Lip Fillers & Enhancements ᐧ 0.5ml
Lip augmentation and modeling with hyaluronic acid
£ 100 per 0.5ml syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Lip Fillers & Enhancements ᐧ 1ml
Lip augmentation and modeling with hyaluronic acid
£ 170 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Non-surgical Nose
Modeling the nose with hyaluronic acid
£ 200
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Cheek Contouring
Modeling / contouring of the cheekbones
£ 300 per 2ml syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Volumizing Cheeks
Modeling / filling the cheeks
£ 300 per 2ml syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Jaw Line Definition
Modeling / contouring the lower jaw
£ 350 per 2ml syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Chin Augmentation / Horizontal Crease
Modeling the chin
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Marionettes / Jowls
Filling the marionette's wrinkles
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Tear Troughs
Modeling / contouring the cheeks
£ 350 up to 2 ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Crows Feet
Filling crow's feet wrinkles
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Nasolabial Lines / Smile & Laugh Lines
Nasolabial wrinkle
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Perioral Lines & Philtrum
Wrinkles around the mouth - smoker's lines
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Filling scars
£ 180 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Additional Syringes
Extra syringe
£ 120 per 1ml of syringe
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Buttock & Breast Filler
Boost and Breast Enlargement / Filling
£ 2950 - £ 14400 per 100ml - 800ml
* 25% Deposit Redeemable against treatment
Most patients will require 200ml to 400ml of filler,
or more, to make a difference.
100 ml: £ 2,950 (price per 1ml: £ 29.50)
200 ml: £ 4,200 (price per 1ml: £ 21.00)
300 ml: £ 6,000 (price per 1ml: £ 20.00)
400 ml: £ 7,800 (price per 1ml: £ 19.50)
500 ml: £ 9,500 (price per 1ml: £ 19.00)
600 ml: £ 11,100 (price per 1ml: £ 18.50)
700 ml: £ 12,600 (price per 1ml: £ 18.00)
800 ml: £ 14,400 (price per 1ml: £ 18.00)
The filler injection procedure is extremely effective and the effects are visible immediately.
There is no specific cure time, the patient can return to daily activities immediately after the treatment.
The procedure is almost painless and the puncture area is anaesthetised.
The effects last for many months.
The filler is a completely safe product.
Filler treatments are an excellent alternative to surgical treatments.
What does skin look like after the treatment?
A significant reduction of wrinkles is noticeable on the skin after the treatment. On the day of the treatment, the treated area may be slightly swollen and the injection sites may be red. There may also be minor bruises that should clear up within a few days.
One week before the treatment you should not (if possible) take any medication that thins blood. Few days before the treatment the skin should not be irritated (e.g. scrubs). One day before the treatment you should not consume alcohol. On the day of the treatment it is worth not having coffee so it doesn’t raise blood pressure. To improve the healing of the skin, about a week before the treatment it is worth using creams that strengthen blood vessels (e.g. creams with arnica, horse chestnut or vitamin K)
Time of treatment: 30-60 minutes
Series: 1 time every 6-18 months
Area: face, breast, bottom, scar
- Wrinkles:
- Marionette Lines
- Tear trough
- Smokers line
- Wrinkles nose to mouth
- Lion’s wrinkle
- Crows feet
- Nasolabial lines
Face modelling
Correcting the oval of the face
Cheeks volumizing
Cheek contouring
Chin augmentation
Jaw Line
Lip Filler & Enhancements
pregnancy and breastfeeding
colds and fever
fresh tan
active bacteria, fungal and viral infections
taking medication
taking antibiotics or steroids
tendency to develop keloids
unregulated illnesses (e.g. diabetes type 1)
autoimmune illnesses
cancers (up to 5 years after recovery)
You should pay special attention to hygiene - don’t touch any area, pat dry with a paper towel, give up smoking for recovery time.
For at least 24 hours after the treatment you should not consume any hot drinks to avoid overheating the area.
For at least 24 hours after the treatment you should not take anti-inflammatory medicine, blood thinners or drink alcohol.
For at least 7 days after the treatment you should avoid using sauna, swimming pool, sun bed, jacuzzi, long hot baths, winter sports.
For 2 weeks after the treatment you should not sun bathe.
For 2 days after the treatment you should avoid makeup especially in puncture sites.
For at least 7 days you should avoid using scrub.
Who is performing the treatment?
The procedure is performed by a suitably qualified person.
Is the procedure painful?
The procedure is almost painless and performed
under local anesthesia. During the procedure
The patient feels only slight punctures.
How long does convalescence take?
The treatment does not require a recovery period,
right after it, the patient may return
for everyday activities.